EAS vs HMP kernels
wenkey EAS: Energy Aware Scheduling It is an incremental update to the existing Linux power management system developed by the ARM tech giant where it places CPU power control directly under the Linux Scheduler. As we all know that there are different types of CPUs based on the number of cores most frequently used ones are Octa-core and Quad-core CPUs. Based on the task load EAS selects CPU efficient core to get work done. Nowadays, each soc contains BIG and LITTLE cores, Big Cores are tweaked to high clock frequencies in order to achieve max performance and Little cores are power-efficient cores these are clocked with low Frequencies. EAS uses a Model of CPU energy consumption or simply called EM to optimize the task scheduling on the BIG or LITTLE cores or DynamiQ platforms while meeting compute requirements.EM gives the CPU topology to the scheduler and provides power cost information of tasks running on each core of the CPU...